How To Self-Regulate and Why It’s Important


Self-Regulation strategies help us feel better within, and with others.

Learn how by reading this blog!

What is Self-Regulation, and why is it IMPORTANT? This term comes up frequently when discussing parenting and parenting strategies.

Self-regulation is the ability to manage your thoughts, emotions, behavior, and energy in a way that is SAFE and PRODUCTIVE.

It is important for children, teens, and adults to learn these skills, so they can learn to manage themselves in healthy ways.

When a parent learns and practices self-regulation skills, a child can learn from them by literally seeing what they are doing to cope with life’s stressors. We model behavior, as humans.

By families and communities practicing self-regulation strategies, we lead the path to building a happier home and happier community.

Some tips to foster self-regulation:

→ Show love to yourself by speaking to yourself in kind ways. Maybe this is by telling yourself that you are brave, and that you can do hard things. Maybe it’s telling yourself that you are loved, and you are an amazing human being. Because you are!

 → Practice self-care by engaging in exercise, proper nutrition, and simply feeling the sun on your skin or smelling flowers! Different people engage in self-care in different ways. Find what works for you and stick to it!

→ Find a creative outlet and engage in creative expression— through dance, art, writing, music, etc. Research shows that creative outlets help us cope with life’s stressors by helping us stay present. This also helps us stay in flow and may give meaning to our life.

→ Nourish your brain by learning and improving your mindset in a way that benefits you in the long-run, and in a way that benefits the relationship with yourself and with others. Maybe this is by reading books that feed you wisdom and knowledge. Maybe this is surrounding yourself with people who bring the best out of you, who are a good influence. This is just one way to increase self-esteem.

→ Breathe. TAKE A DEEP, DEEP, DEEP, BREATH. Try and take life one breath a time.

Reminder: It’s okay to not have all the answers, and to not have it together all the time. Healthy relationships thrive on the notion of ‘rupture and repair’ — the idea that although rupture occurs, repair ALSO occurs. This idea embodies safety and security in a relationship (from an attachment theory perspective).

I feel passionate about psychoeducating people. Learn more by following me on Instagram: @thedualperspective.